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- Thompson, E, (October, 2008) Hospitalization: Avoiding the Pitfalls and Staying Healthy.
- Presentation for National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)- Wisconsin.
- Thompson, E., (January, 2004) Executive Development: Anger and Stress Management.
- Presentation for Chicago Police Department Training Program for Sergeants.
- Moore, B. A., Donders, J., & Thompson. E. H. (2004).
- Validity of the Children’s Category Test – Level 1 after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 19, 1-9.
- Thompson E. (March, 2001) Diversified Training:
- A Method for Preparing Future Clinical Psychologists to Survive in Today’s Marketplace. Paper presented at Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers annual Meeting, New Orleans.
- Thompson, E. (March 2001) Outcome Assessment:
- Possibilities for Research, Training, and Program Evaluation. Paper presented at Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers annual meeting, New Orleans.
- Sherrill-Pattison, S., Donders, J., & Thompson, E., (2000) Influence of Demographic Variables on Neuropsychological Test Performance after Traumatic Brain Injury, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Vol. 14, No 4. 496-503
- Martin, T.A., Donders, J., & Thompson, E., (2000) Potential of and Problems with New Measures of Psychometric Intelligence After Traumatic Brain Injury, Rehabilitation Psychology, 45(4), 402-408.
- Baker, R., Donders, J., & Thompson E., (2000) Assessment of Incomplete Effort with the California Verbal Learning Test, Applied Neuropsychology, Vol 7, No.2, 111-114.
- Hoffman, N., Donders, J., & Thompson E., (2000) Novel Learning abilities After Traumatic Head Injury in Children, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 15, 47-58.
- Thompson, E. & Stone, M., (November, 1999) .Adult Sex Offenders and Pedophiles:
- Differences in Executive Functioning. Poster Presentation at National Association of Neuropsychology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- Stone, M. & Thompson, E., (November, 1999) Diagnostic Scoring of the Halstead-Reitan Category Test, Poster Presentation at National Association of Neuropsychology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- Thompson, E & Stone, M, (November, 1998) Executive Functioning Deficits in Sex Offenders, Poster presentation at National Association of Neuropsychology Annual meeting, Washington, D.C.
- Hoffman, N.M., Donders, J., & Thompson, E, (November, 1998) Gender Differences on the California Verbal Learning Test-Children=s Version in Children with Traumatic Head Injury, Poster presentation at National Association of Neuropsychology Annual meeting, Washington,
- Hoffman, M.D., Donders, J., & Thompson, E., (July, 1998) Neuropsychological Assessment of Memory and Executive Functions with Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury, Paper session of International Neuropsychological Society mid-year meeting, Budapest, Hungary.
- Thompson, E., (March, 1998) Neuropsychological implications of Closed Head Injuries, Casualty Adjustors of Illinois Annual meeting.
- Thompson, E., (November, 1997) Niche Marketing in an Age of Managed Care, Illinois Psychological Association Annual Conference
- Thompson, E.: Coordinator and Chair (1996) New Directions in Clinical Neuropsychological Research & Practice Adler Conference
- Thompson, E. (1996) The use of Neuropsychological Assessment in a prison population-Dixon Adult Detention Center.